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Aughamullan Primary School

ECO School

At Holy Family P.S, Aughamullan we care deeply about environmental issues and want to make a positive change in the environment around us and beyond. Our Eco-council is the driving force behind this.

Aughamullan's Eco Committee is celebrating the successful reward of our Green Flag. As you can see, we are very happy and proud of our achievement.

The assessors were very impressed with the Eco-council. They enjoyed being shown around the school grounds and seeing all the wonderful projects that our pupils have been involved in. Well done everyone! Keep up the good work!




13th May 2021
Our fantastic Eco committee continued their efforts this week with Miss McCourt,...
6th May 2021
Today the big preparations for our vegetable patch and wildflower garden continued...
29th Apr 2021
We would like to say a huge “thank you” to Paul and Ronan McAliskey...

Holy Family Eco-Committee 2023-2024

Holy Family Primary School, Aughamullan has an Eco-Committee made up of child representatives from P1-P7. Our Eco-Committee also includes Linda our cook, Mrs Kennedy our building supervisor, Mrs Mary Quinn our honorary member who has given so much time and dedication to our school community. Our Eco committee usually meet once a month to keep up to date with the latest eco initiatives and they decide how best to encourage their friends to consider the environment in everything we do here at school. Children also bring ideas from their classes to discuss at the meetings, and they feedback to their classes after the meetings.


Eco News

Here are some of our representatives doing a great job. They are responsible for makings sure lights are turned off when not needed, both in classrooms and along the corridor. The Eco council is also responsible for making sure taps are turned off properly and plants in classrooms and outside are watered regularly. They also promote the use of refillable water bottles. In the playground they also encourage everyone to put their litter in the bins. No litter bugs allowed!!

We have school grounds that we can be very proud of and that are used extensively by all children. We also have an outdoor learning area with planting areas to be used currently in the spring and summer terms. Eco club has also spent a lot of time planting bulbs, weeding and maintaining the school grounds and will continue to do so throughout the year.